Sunday, May 24, 2009



这可算是我人生中第一次以华文写部落格哦。因为我有个朋友说我用英文写部落格使到她没mood去读。哈哈。最近这几天发生了好多好多事情,可是一直都没时间表露,因为忙着考试。其实考试还在进行着,可是感觉上已经考完了~~因为Biology & Sejarah 都考了,松了一大口气。。最近这几天,我终于领悟到原来不是每一个人都懂得去珍惜别人对他们的好。即使是一个人以一个最真诚的心,他们始终觉得那只是为了一个目的。这几天的我非常的不好受。。。一直以来,我都想为一个人默默付出,去关怀她而不求任何回报,但只希望能够每一天看到她脸上带着笑容~~可是,我发觉到到最后我却换来两个字“绝交”!!!




P/S: 朋友们,考试加油哦!!!


Saturday, May 2, 2009

BuSy LiF3

It is a couple weeks that i havent updated my blog due to the busy life.. What?! Exam is around the corner.. Oh gosh! Everyone in my class made me feel extremely nervous.. The class that look like bazaar daily had turned over to become a quite place just as the library. When I just step into the classroom, I could see friends around me are sitting down on a chair and facing on thier books with no regrets.For me, I havent have my mood yet to study at all actually..I am still thinking of how I am going to plan my coming soon holidays already.. Huh.. And I was so excited that I can't wait to follow on my driving practise. Yesterday was my first practical for driving. I was so nervous when I first sat on the seat of the driver's seat.. Once the trainer ask me to let go the handbreak, I feel even more nervous and could not stay calm and worry of the car knocking towards something.. Haha.. Hopefully the follow on practise can be more smooth as we all know practise make perfect... Exam!Exam!Exam!
Actually I do really agree that students study just to pass in their examinations...Haha.. Becoz the same incident had reflected on me..
Anyway, I hope all the best for the people who are going to sit for the first semester examinations. ^_^ I think I would stop blogging temporarily as the busy life goes on.. Hopefully I could bring something more exciting in the following blog..........